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Changing the world essay

Changing the world essay

changing the world essay

Jan 23,  · You change the world not by pointing out what is wrong with it, but by upgrading your model of reality to coincide with what you wish to see in the world. It’s an inside-out job. “You don’t have to change the world. You just have to change what you pay attention to in the Tony Fahkry How Did World War 1 Change The World Words | 2 Pages. Throughout history, numerous events have changed drastically the world. World War I, also known as the Great War, conflict, chiefly in Europe, among most of the great Western powers, was the largest and deadliest war the world had yet seen Free Example of Leadership: Changing the World Essay. Leadership is often defined as the art of influence. In this particular art an individual or a group of individuals inspire the followers to attain some objectives in a certain period of time. A leader can only exercise this art through his or her strength; for instance, a writer, who attained excellence in writing, could write in such a 5/5(94)

If I Could Change The World, Essay Sample

Leadership is often defined as the art of influence. In this particular changing the world essay an individual or a group of individuals inspire the followers to attain some objectives in a certain period of time. A leader can only exercise this art through his or her strength; for instance, a writer, who attained excellence in writing, could write in such a creative way that will definitely appeal to the people and influence them.

Another important requirement for becoming a leader is good character. A character cannot be attained overnight; it is a collection of good habits that are developed by an individual over many years. It is believed by the scholars of leadership that if somebody has a character, changing the world essay, he is a leader, but the attainment of a good and just character is very difficult in the modern world plagued with unethical practices, such as theft, lying and inhumanity.

Leadership is different in many ways from the regular management of an organization. However, the main characteristics of leadership are discussed in the following section:. Managers carry out the routine, while leaders keep on thinking for the betterment of the organizational practices; the previous statement highlights the importance of higher degree of cognitive activity in leaders, which makes them be able to assess the long term implications of the current events taking place in the present.

Thus, the leadership of an organization is fundamentally responsible for the creation of future; this could be possible by giving a vision to an organization. Leaders are attributed with strong character, with the delegate sense changing the world essay right and wrong.

They are often ethical in their conduct. They place a high premium on their subordinates with higher morality. The management scholars are of the view that the quality of the employees selected by a leader highlights his character. A good leader will always select his subordinates on merit. Successful leaders decentralize the authority within their staff, in this way they create confidence, while managers develop fear to win the obedience of their subordinates.

Leaders win hearts of the people through giving autonomy to them, this practice results in highly motivated employees within the firm with heightened productivity. Leaders are also willing to communicate frequently, changing the world essay keep the manpower appraised about current business situation and keep appealing for their invaluable efforts to keep the organization profitable. Effective leaders are always in connection with their employees on a personal level and are well informed about personal life of their staff.

In this way, they keep on intervening with personal life of the people to save them from the family and work conflicts. Famous leaders have an important characteristic of self-assessment, through which they keep track of their successes.

At the same time, when they admit mistakes in front of changing the world essay, this habit highlights the inadequacies among them, compelling the followers to realize the humanity of the leaders. This practice saves the followers from believing that their leader is divine, but instead it helps them in understanding the similarities among them and their leader. Bill Gates had been an inspiring figure for the business students around the world for almost two decades.

He started his company, with a single employee in the early s, with a vision to transform computer into something which could be used personally Kramer. At that point of time the mainframe computers were acceptable in the market and only highly qualified people were able to use them.

But changing the world essay young Bill Changing the world essay, with his extraordinarily small company launched the first human interface to operate computers in the late s that is known as Windows. This innovation transformed the world of computing changing the world essay a personalized one. Bill Gates during the early stage of his career as a manager, practiced transformational leadership, which changed the norms of the computer industry, this change is resonating even in the present through the increased acceptability of computers in every field of life.

However, after the retirement from Microsoft, Bill Gates is now actively participating in the campaign aimed at eliminating hunger of the elderly population of America Barker,changing the world essay, thus this legendary individual is now practicing social leadership through collaborating with other social agencies.

This paper changing the world essay a leadership plan inspired by the social activities of Bill Gates, through which the multibillionaire is supporting the campaign against hunger. According to the studies, half of the elder population in America is suffering from hunger. In the light of this finding, this is a just cause to launch a campaign against the unjust setup for food distribution.

According to this plan, I will use my communication and presentation skills to motivate people in initiating a campaign against hunger in the United States. This particular campaign will be targeted to eliminate discrimination against blacks, which is the major cause of food deficiency in their lives. Thus, this campaign in my college will focus on uprooting the practice of racial discrimination in our society. I will also utilize my negotiating skills in the course of inviting prominent politicians to join this noble cause.

However, it should be noted that this campaign is initiated at a limited scope, particularly in my college, changing the world essay, but I hope that it will prove to be a verging point for greater moment covering the entire country, changing the world essay.

This paper highlights the importance of leadership in the corporate and private life of a nation by defining it as the art of influence. At the same time it points out the major characteristics of effective leadership, such as providing direction, responsibility and personal connection along with delegation of authority. During the execution of this plan, the leader is intending to use communication and presentation skills to create awareness towards the growing phenomenon of hunger in our elder population.

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However, changing the world essay, the main characteristics of leadership are discussed in the following section: Leader Provides Direction Managers carry out the routine, while leaders keep on thinking for the betterment of the organizational practices; the previous statement highlights the importance of higher degree changing the world essay cognitive activity in leaders, which makes them be able to assess the long term implications of the current events taking place in the present.

Leadership is Character Leaders are attributed with strong character, with the delegate sense of right and wrong. Leaders delegate Authority Successful leaders decentralize the authority within their staff, changing the world essay, in this way they create confidence, while managers develop fear to win the obedience of their subordinates.

Communication Leaders are also willing to communicate frequently, to keep the manpower appraised about current business situation and keep appealing for their invaluable efforts to keep the organization profitable. Personal Connection Effective leaders are always in connection with their employees on a personal level and are well informed about personal life of their staff.

Responsibility Famous leaders have an important characteristic of self-assessment, through which they keep track of their successes. Bill Gates and Leadership Bill Gates had been an inspiring changing the world essay for the business students around the world for changing the world essay two decades, changing the world essay.

Individual Plan for Leadership This paper develops a leadership plan inspired by the social activities of Bill Gates, through which the multibillionaire is supporting the campaign against hunger.

Conclusion This paper highlights the importance of leadership in the corporate and private life of a nation by defining it as the art of influence.

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If I Could Change the World Essay: Examples & Writing Guide

changing the world essay

This paper strives to outline the things one would possibly do if one could change the planet. Accordingly, if one could change the world, I would quicken the enlargement of science and technology in a well planned manner and systematic. Incorporation to that, I do not desire for the development of armaments, and nuclear weapons Dec 24,  · An Intelligible Structure. Introduction: Starts with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Directs the reader, identifies the focus, and provides the context of the issue. Main body: Provides the argumentation for your thesis and supporting details. Includes quotes and other data that you’ve Free Example of Leadership: Changing the World Essay. Leadership is often defined as the art of influence. In this particular art an individual or a group of individuals inspire the followers to attain some objectives in a certain period of time. A leader can only exercise this art through his or her strength; for instance, a writer, who attained excellence in writing, could write in such a 5/5(94)

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