Sunday, August 1, 2021

Assignment on marketing

Assignment on marketing

assignment on marketing

Aug 08,  · Assignment Marketing has evolved a lot over the past few decades. It has adapted through the times changing. With the recognition of the Ad Age and Generation Y, marketing has become more interactive with the use of color, image and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Jun 14,  · Marketing Assignment INTRODUCTION. Shaped Alloys Ltd is a local company supplying aluminium cowlings, mouldings and structures for the MOD(Navy). They have been in this business for over thirty years. Due to the downturn in the government market they have been working on other products that they can produce effectively due to their extensive Dec 27,  · Your assignment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt until Week There is no need to go into details about explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion in the case of the new blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins

Marketing Assignment Sample Online

This page is a preview - download the full version of this essay above. Shaped Alloys Ltd is a local company supplying aluminium cowlings, mouldings and structures for the MOD Navy. They have been in this business for over thirty years. Due to the downturn in the government market they have been working on other products that they can produce effectively due to their extensive experience in light alloys.

The purpose of this report is to produce a marketing communications report that define the two markets the company operates through its B2b and B2C models and highlighting the differing communications requirements and the communications mix available to the marketer.

Many companies assignment on marketing using integrated marketing communications IMC ; because they need a more effective and efficient way of communications with their customers.

It is believed that IMC help them to build customer relationship assignment on marketing therefore create profitable brands. Duncan, Segmentation and targeting seek to determine who companies want to reach in order to build brand relationship. Marketing today is in the name of efficiency and effectiveness, becoming more focused on smaller but more profitable segments of the market.

Shaped Alloys Ltd must be at the forefront of consumer research and conducts extensive research on a regular basis to identify new trends and to study opportunities for new and different trade channels.

Specific segments are selected and Shaped Alloys Ltd must develop different marketing plans in order to satisfy the needs of the potential buyer in the chosen segments. Fill,pg The fundamental starting point for the creation of a successful marketing mix strategy is to ensure that the target market is clearly defined.

Having evaluated the two segments, Shaped Alloys Ltd could consider two different types of targeting the two markets in which the company operates.

Kotler,pg According to Ries and Trout, in an over-advertised society, the mind often knows brands in the form of product layers. The top firm is remembered the best. The number one position can be held only by one brand, assignment on marketing. Kottler, Therefore it is important to develop an IMC approach in order to obtain uniform branding, target the market and seek to position the Xtract and Diamond brands to their respective target markets.

The elements involved in IMC are many and they depend upon assignment on marketing perspective an individual might adopt, these elements might range from a simple configuration of the promotional mix through to a fully integrated and culturally driven mission and corporate strategy. See Table 1 The present report focuses on the explanation of the promotional mix and the marketing mix and business strategy.

Table 1 shows the main elements to be considered and managed in developing IMC. Therefore IMC is not just a matter of transmitting uniform marketing communications messages. The concept of IMC has been defined in three ways: a one-voice view in which there is one theme and one image, a perspective which suggests that product, image and consumer behaviour should be considered simultaneously and a perspective which focuses on the integration of communications disciplines.

Nowak, et al, IMC planners, focus their attention in two types of consistency, one voice one look and strategic consistency, assignment on marketing. For instance one voice one look, delivers a campaign in which all advertising, sales promotion, sponsorship, publicity and direct response and package for the two different products have the same appearance and feel.

All the media messages reinforce one and the other, assignment on marketing. Therefore, Shaped Alloys Ltd must bring together its advertising, assignment on marketing, direct marketing, public relations and employee communications in assignment on marketing to improved communications within them in order to target its two different segments Kottler, IMC can be defined as assignment on marketing harmonisation of the messages conveyed by each of the promotional tools, in order that audiences perceive a consistent image of product organisation.

It is important that the brands Xtract and Diamond have their individual design style and colour which depends on the market position and customer perception. The Shaped Alloys Ltd house name in its unique script should always be included so that the product perception gains uniformity. To achieve strategic consistency, the different messages should be tailored to the two different target audiences while maintaining a constant brand image.

Effective communications is important to organisations, therefore they use a variety of promotional tools, such as; advertising, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, promotion and added value approaches like events, sponsorship, merchandising assignment on marketing pop material. In order to get these messages, traditional media, assignment on marketing, such as print and broadcast, radio can be used to create brand positioning and awareness of the brand Diamond as well as the use of the internet.

Fill, The assignment on marketing communication tools can be used in different combinations and different degrees of intensity, according to the nature of the company and in order to communicate with the two different audience groups.

See Figure 1. Shaped Alloys Ltd must communicate with their customers and stakeholder, using a variety of communications methods. See Table 2 The present report will focus on some of the most relevant. It is important that the brands Xtract and Diamond have their individual methods and approaches depending on the market position and customer perception.

However the Shaped Alloys Ltd house name in its unique script must be always included so that the product perception gains uniformity. There are significant changes in the way organisations communicate to their target audience, for instance, there has been an increase in the use of direct marketing, internet and digital technologies, which enable new interactive forms of communication, assignment on marketing, they can be used in the B2B and B2C markets.

In other words, the mass communication above the line has been given way to more direct and highly targeted promotional activities using direct marketing and other tools of the mix. Therefore, through the line and below the line campaigns are more used nowadays.

The shift is from an intervention-based approach to marketing communications, or based on seeking the attention of a customer who might not be interested; towards permission-based, focus on the audience interested in a particular offer.

The trend from traditional strategies, based largely on mass communications, to one based on personalisation, rather than generalisation, customer orientated and technology driven approaches, is referred to as integrated marketing communications. This new media approach has been called an orchestration, whole egg and seamless communication.

Duncan, et al, assignment on marketing, For decades, marketers have implemented the long established communications tools of advertising, public relations, sales promotion and direct marketing to achieve a diverse range of objectives. Traditionally they have been managed separated, with different objectives, goals and budgets. Belch, et al, Therefore it is important that Shaped Alloys Ltd coordinate the tools under an umbrella strategy in an attempt to increase communication effectiveness and consistency, assignment on marketing.

Ewing, et al, The role of advertising in the promotional plan is important. Advertising can influence audiences by informing or reminding them of the existence of a brand, or alternatively by persuading or helping differentiate a product or organisation from others in the market. Shaped Alloys Ltd could use on alternative communication channels to create product awareness, such as the Diamond brand and its new range of saucepans, assignment on marketing association and loyal customer bases.

Aaker, Providing extensive information especially by using media advertising, cannot impact customers personal experience with the brand. What is more it links all its communications tools and focuses on the consistency of the brand. Sales Promotion is a marketing communication function that adds value to brand messages.

A sales promotion intensifies a brand contact when a customer or prospects are buying or using situation. More specific, it is a short term added value offer designed to encourage and accelerate a response, assignment on marketing. A customer sales promotion offer is designed for end users and buyers could be designed for the brand Diamond and a trade sales promotion for the brand Xtract focusing in customers in the distribution channel, such as distributors and wholesales.

Shaped Alloys, in order to move its Diamond products through the distribution channel, from the point of manufacture to the point of consumption, could use two basic sales promotion strategies; push and pull. Push strategies can assignment on marketing defined as marketing communications efforts targeted at members of the distribution channel.

Once the retailer has purchased several truckloads of the product, that retailer will work hard to make sure the product sells in order to recoup the cost of the product and make profit of it. Pull strategies, on the other hand, are communication efforts targeted to end users. They are used to motivate customers to come to stores and look for assignment on marketing specific brand, which pulls products from the shelves and creates need for retailers to buy more, in order to satisfy the consumer demand.

In other words, managing an event involves the use of almost every other form of marketing communication, assignment on marketing. As well as sponsoring TV programs specialised in cooking in order to target their audience. Public relations strengthen credibility, assignment on marketing, enhance image, assignment on marketing, develop goodwill or influence public opinion. These tactics, such as speeches, special events, newsletters, annual reports and news releases, are targeted to an audience could be used in order to target both markets the B2C and the B2B Cuclis Communication, Merchandising means extending a brand image through promotional assignment on marketing at the retail level.

The majority of the elements used for merchandising are point of purchase POP materials, which are in-store display materials designed to call attention to a brand. POP material, however, offers the opportunity for a win-win situation for both retailer and manufacturer. The brand sells more of itself and the retailer simply sells more.

Careful planning between retailer and manufacturer for a symbiotic relationship should be planned by Shaped Alloys in order to distribute its Diamond brand through the major retailers and specialised vendors. Reuters, The new emphasis on IMC has produced a new marketing mix. The traditional 4Ps are reconfigures, therefore the fourth P, becomes personal selling. See Figure 3. The marketing communications task is to ensure that the perception of the offering and of the organisation is the desired one.

One way of providing consistency, is the use of own label products. Marketing communication of the price is through the selection of prestige, competitive or value pricing and trough detail ads. On the other hand, marketing communication on the place is through the distribution channel as a promotion vehicle, such as store atmosphere and point of purchase ads and promotions. In order to use an integrated marketing communication approach effectively, it is necessary to communicate aspects of the direction in which the organisation intents to achieve this.

IMC needs to involve the whole organisation, assignment on marketing, because it requires internal an external communications so that they can be identified with the strategy and direction of the organisation, assignment on marketing.

It is believed that IMC cannot be sustained unless it is supported by all employees adopting a customer focus, assignment on marketing. Once the internal orientation has been established, it is possible to take the message to external audiences.

Encouraging assignment on marketing to behave in such a way that they are perceived to support brand promises, provides a vital form of consistency. Gilly, et al, IMC is not a static one level concept the establishment of IMC must be undertaken in steps, in order to coordinate various aspects, assignment on marketing. According, to Fill,the starting point in the move towards IMC is at level of promotional mix, from promotional coordination, progress through to a functional coordination, where different parts are assignment on marketing to the concept of internal marketing communications.

The next step is characterised by the organisation moved towards a customer orientation culture, it requires a cultural shift.

In other words, in order to established an IMC approach, Shaped Alloys must achieve and communicate their intent to all that involves both an inside an outside organisation. Integrated Marketing Communication, means different things to different people, however the term should embrace the marketing mix, the promotional mix, internal communications and all those outsourced providers which contribute to the overall marketing communication process.

MKTG 3820 Marketing Plan Assignment Presentation

, time: 12:35

What is Marketing? Assignment free sample

assignment on marketing

Aug 08,  · Assignment Marketing has evolved a lot over the past few decades. It has adapted through the times changing. With the recognition of the Ad Age and Generation Y, marketing has become more interactive with the use of color, image and blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Dec 27,  · Your assignment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt until Week There is no need to go into details about explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion in the case of the new blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins Assignments The assignments for Principles of Marketing build on one another and culminate in the submission of a finished marketing plan. If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool. They can be used as is, modified, or removed

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