Example 3. This essay score a ‘7’ Page 1 This essay is the third essay I reviewed. By this stage of my investigation, I am becoming more of an ‘expert’ at reading and deconstructing TOK essays. For this essay, I did not feel the need to take as many notes. I was beginning to recognise the elements of a TOK essay quite easily Tok Essay Example (The Roles Played by Reason and Imagination in at Least Two Areas of Knowledge) Both imagination and reason have great role in such fields as physics and history taken for an analysis. In fact, imagination is believed to be central for history and not so important for physics The TOK essay is about knowledge (how we come to know things). It helps to think of the essay as though you're showing the most interesting bits of a conversation between two smart people, about how we know things. Or you could think about it like presenting two sides of an argument, in front of a judge. Each side needs to present evidence
50 Excellent TOK Essays
To what extent would you agree? In areas of knowledge such as the arts and the sciences, tok essay example, do we learn more from work that follows or that breaks with accepted conventions? Our senses tell us that a table, for example, is a solid object; science tells us that the table is mostly empty space.
Thus two sources of knowledge generate conflicting results. Can we reconcile such conflicts? Mathematicians have the concept of rigorous proof, which leads to knowing something with complete certainty. Consider the extent to which complete certainty might be achievable in mathematics and at least one other area of knowledge.
Does this mean that there is no such thing as truth? Discuss in relation to science and at least one other area of knowledge. Is this always good advice for a knower? Is this true? Compare and contrast our approach to knowledge about the past with our approach to knowledge about the future. To what extent should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere?
To understand something you need to rely on your own experience and culture. Does this mean that it is impossible to have objective knowledge? Discuss this vision of the relationship between knowledge and emotion. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE ESSAYS Essays May 08 Title Candidate name School name 1. Evaluate the role of intuition in different areas of knowledge. Hajar Elaalej Rabat American School Richa Maru Gandhi Memorial International School Anna Wściubiak Kolegium Europejskie 2.
Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions? Colin Kinniburgh United Nations Tok essay example School Arni Lehto Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu Michael Roeterink American School of the Hague 3.
Sofia M Castello y Tickell The American School Foundation, A. Manasi Rajagopal United Tok essay example College of SE Asia Elizabeth Williams James S Rickards High School 4. Does language play roles of equal importance in different areas of knowledge? Bridgett A Adviento Cajon High School Amin Ghadimi Canadian Academy 5. Rachmania Shaliha Pulungan British International School, Jakarta William Stevenson Allen D Nease High School Madeleine Weisman Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School 6. Nicole Brzozowski James W Robinson Jr.
Secondary School Sebastian Devlin-Foltz Albert Einstein High School Juulia Valkola Jyväskylän Lyseon Lukio 7. Doh Hoon Chung International School Bangkok Lara Duncan Winter Park High School 8. Are some ways of knowing more likely than others to lead to truth?
Suhaila Murtaza Alloo Malvern College Samuel Sutherland Tualatin High School 9. Johanna Syrjänen Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu Tok essay example Yew Chung International School - Hong Kong Alexander Bres Kelvin High School Priya Khanna Lauriston Girls' School Franz Ronay American International School, Vienna 2. When should we trust our senses to give us truth? Teri Drummond Old Scona Academic High School Danny Soo St Paul's Grammar School 3.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of reason as a way of knowing, tok essay example. Natasha Chawla Pembroke School Isaac Lawless Woodcroft College 4.
Alexander Clark United World College of SE Asia Anonymous Anonymous 5. Thomas Christopher Barnard King Edward's School Witley Moya Mauthoor Ivanhoe Grammar School Irene Jeanette Victoria Pyne Sha Tin College Ryan Yeh Old Scona Academic High School 6. Magdalena Lomacka American International School, Vienna Joana de Oliveira Machado British School, Rio de Janeiro 7.
Mina Itabashi King George V School Aditya Thakur Trinity Grammar School 8. Anna-Lee Folk St Paul's Grammar School Risha Dipak Vithlani International School Moshi Anonymous Anonymous 9.
Júlia Schvarcová The British International School Bratislava Sophie-Scarlet Stone Lauriston Girls' School Alice Imogen Wharldall Pembroke School Claudia Ma Skyline High School Tok essay example Sherburne Aiken High School. Terms and conditions © International Baccalaureate Organization Introduction Essays. Hajar Elaalej Rabat American School.
Richa Maru Gandhi Memorial International School. Anna Wściubiak Kolegium Europejskie, tok essay example. Tok essay example Kinniburgh United Nations International School. Arni Lehto Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu. Michael Roeterink American School of the Hague, tok essay example. Manasi Rajagopal United World College of SE Asia. Elizabeth Williams James S Rickards High School, tok essay example.
Bridgett A Adviento Cajon High School. Amin Ghadimi Canadian Academy. Rachmania Shaliha Pulungan British International School, Jakarta. William Stevenson Allen D Nease High School. Madeleine Weisman Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. Secondary School. Sebastian Devlin-Foltz Albert Einstein High School. Juulia Valkola Jyväskylän Lyseon Lukio. Doh Hoon Chung International School Bangkok.
Lara Duncan Winter Park High School. Suhaila Murtaza Alloo Malvern College. Samuel Sutherland Tualatin High School. Johanna Syrjänen Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu. Anonymous Yew Chung International School - Hong Kong. Claudia Valeria Hamel Sierra United World College of SE Asia, tok essay example.
Oscar Wilsby Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet. Alexander Bres Kelvin High School. Priya Khanna Lauriston Girls' School. Franz Ronay American International School, Vienna. Teri Drummond Old Scona Academic High School. Danny Soo St Paul's Grammar School. Natasha Chawla Pembroke School. Isaac Lawless Woodcroft College. Alexander Clark United World College of SE Asia. Anonymous Anonymous, tok essay example.
Thomas Christopher Barnard King Edward's School Witley. Moya Mauthoor Ivanhoe Grammar School. Irene Jeanette Victoria Pyne Sha Tin College. Ryan Yeh Old Scona Academic High School. Magdalena Lomacka American International School, Vienna. Joana de Tok essay example Machado British School, Rio de Janeiro. Mina Itabashi King George V School, tok essay example. Aditya Thakur Trinity Grammar School.
Anna-Lee Folk St Paul's Tok essay example School. Risha Dipak Vithlani International School Moshi. Júlia Schvarcová The British International School Bratislava. Sophie-Scarlet Stone Lauriston Girls' School, tok essay example. Alice Imogen Wharldall Pembroke School. Claudia Ma Skyline High School. Claire Sherburne Aiken High School.
How to TOK essay in 10 minutes
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Tok Essay Example (The Roles Played by Reason and Imagination in at Least Two Areas of Knowledge) Both imagination and reason have great role in such fields as physics and history taken for an analysis. In fact, imagination is believed to be central for history and not so important for physics 26 rows · THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE ESSAYS Essays May Title. Candidate name. · and judge TOK essays, and why I understand that the scores awarded were justified. This docu ent cannot be considered to be authoritative in terms of IB standards or judgments. m. You may distribute this document freely, but do not remove this disclaimer. If you use only. sample essay 2, include this disclaimer. Meadowbrook HS Richmond, VA File Size: KB
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