Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on why weed should be legalized

Essay on why weed should be legalized

essay on why weed should be legalized

The people against the legalization of marijuana and that are fighting for marijuana to remain legal, argue, “Marijuana is a gateway drug and it leads to the use of harder, more serious drugs, and marijuana is often the cause of drug addiction. There would more people driving high on weed, which would result in more accidents and traffic offenses, especially among the youth 29/5/ · Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. It has been proven that medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 6/7/ · Marijuana has positive health effects and can be used as a medicine. If marijuana was legalized there would be less crimes over it. Since Marijuana is prohibited it is the reason for many crimes from drug dealers, cartels, gangs,etc,. Alcohol is responsible for thousands of death and it is still legal

Marijuana Should be Legal - Words | Essay Example

Several states have legalized marijuana in recent years, either for medicinal use, recreational use, or both. But possession, sale, or use of the drug still is considered a crime at the federal level and in most states.

Regardless of your position on the explanations for marijuana prohibitionthere are two sides to the debate. These are the arguments in favor of legalization.

There are always reasons why laws exist. While some advocates for the status quo claim that marijuana laws prevent people from harming themselves, the most common rationale is that they prevent people from harming themselves and from causing harm to the larger culture. But laws against self-harm always stand on shaky ground—predicated, as they are, on the idea that the government knows what's good for you better than you do, and no good ever comes from making governments the guardians of culture.

The burden of proof for marijuana prohibition advocates would be high enough if marijuana laws were enforced in a racially neutral manner, but—this should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with our country's long history of racial profiling —they are most definitely not. According to the U. Department of Health and Human Services, Black and White people use marijuana at roughly the same rates.

You don't have to look very hard to find examples of lives needlessly destroyed by marijuana prohibition laws. The government arrests aboutAmericans—more than the population of Wyoming—for marijuana possession every year. These new "convicts" are driven from their jobs and families and pushed into a prison system that turns first-time offenders into hardened criminals. Just as alcohol prohibition essentially created the American Mafia, marijuana prohibition has created an underground economy where crimes unrelated to marijuana, but connected to people who sell and use it, go unreported.

End result: Real crimes become harder to solve. Every year, an estimated 2. Most will never be arrested essay on why weed should be legalized it.

A small percentage, usually low-income people of color, arbitrarily will. If the objective of marijuana prohibition laws is to actually prevent marijuana use rather than driving it underground, then the policy is, despite its astronomical cost, an utter failure from a pure law enforcement point of view.

A Fraser Institute study found that essay on why weed should be legalized and taxing marijuana could produce considerable revenue for British Columbia. Economist Stephen T. The case for tobacco prohibition is actually much stronger than the case for marijuana prohibition since tobacco has provably harmful effects and no benefits.

Alcohol prohibition has, of course, already been tried. And, judging by the history of the war on drugslegislators have apparently learned nothing from this failed experiment. Further, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana since a pot smoker would have to consume 20, essay on why weed should be legalized, to 40, times the amount of THC in a single joint to produce a lethal dose.

Marijuana is also far less addictive than other drugs. According to CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Guptathe numbers for adult dependence are:. Department of Health and Human Services. FBI: UCR. Share Flipboard Email. Issues The U. Government U. Foreign Policy U.

Liberal Politics U. Tom Head. Civil Liberties Expert. Tom Head, Ph. He has authored or essay on why weed should be legalized 29 nonfiction books, including "Civil Liberties: A Beginner's Guide. our editorial process. Updated December 20, essay on why weed should be legalized, View Article Sources.

Cite this Article Format. Head, Tom. copy citation. Watch Now: Learn About the Origins of Marijuana. The 10th Amendment: Text, Origins, and Meaning. Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana in the U. Decriminalization Versus Legalization of Marijuana. What Is De Jure Segregation? Definition and Examples. States Where Smoking Recreational Marijuana Is Legal. About the Clayton Antitrust Act of The Main Classifications of Criminal Offenses. Firearms and Arrest Authority of U.

Federal Agencies. United States v. Lopez: The Case and Its Impact.

10 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

, time: 4:17

Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

essay on why weed should be legalized

9/6/ · Why Marijuana Should be Legalized, an argumentative essay. June ; Authors: Luke Paul Crocker. I do not think that it works, and my primary aim in this essay is to explain why. I argue that Author: Luke Paul Crocker 16/3/ · In this essay, the legalization of marijuana will be supported, as marijuana does not conclusively cause any harmful effects, and it can severely diminish law enforcement expenses. Marijuana was first banned in with the Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins 5/10/ · Marijuana should be legalize for several reasons, first the government could earn money from taxes on its sale. Its value to the medical world outwweight its potential abuse, and because of its importance to the paper & clothing industries. Legalzation should be considered more here in Texas

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