Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on generation gap

Essay on generation gap

essay on generation gap

 · Essay on Generation Gap. Generation Gap or Generational gap means a kind of difference in the thoughts, lifestyle, work of interest and opinions among people of different age groups. Generation is generally divided into three partitions one is childhood, second is middle life and third is old age. Usually, a family includes members of all these three Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins  · A generation gap is a difference between perception, belief, and thoughts among the people of two different generations. Generation gap may occur among family, in school, or in office. In the generation gap, people from two different generations hold two different perspectives about the same concept. Suitable Examples of Generation GapEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · + Words Essay on Generation Gap. We all know that humans have been inhabiting this earth for a long time. Over time, times have changed and humans have evolved. The world became developed and so did mankind. Each generation has seen new changes and things that the older generations have not. This is exactly what creates a generation blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

Generation Gap Essay for Students

Almost every family suffers from this problem. Since the generation gap is a serious issue to be known and discussed, here we have provided you with the actual concept and flaws of the generation gap. So let us have essay on generation gap glance on it through these essays:. When we talk about the generation gap, the very first thing that strikes our brain is, it must be something about two very different people whose ages vary at least ten years or we may say a minimum of 10 years.

Generate is a verb whereas generation is a noun. It is nothing more than having a contradicting point of view on several topics among the present generation and their previous generation.

Generation gap takes place because of a lack of attributes to make each other understand and agree on common grounds. It is considered as a very big issue by almost each and every person.

It often hollows the family. Now let us see a few examples of the generation gap. If our parents are not so much aware of the online studies that we often essay on generation gap to attend, then they might think that their ward is wasting his time over the internet. And here if the ward is not able to make his parents understand the exact fact then he may suffer from the generation gap. We often see our grandparents believe in the tradition of getting their grandchildren married approx during the age of So here too they suffer from the generation gap.

From the above points discussed we can conclude that no doubt, the generation gap affects the relationship between people of two different generations. So, we should try our best to establish a rapport between two different generations so that our relationships cannot be harmed. The generation gap is a common problem which is suffered almost by every part of the society. It is not a new problem; it is increased so much that it became a topic of discussion and essay on generation gap. The concept of generation gap is not only limited to its meaning instead it has wide sense.

It is also called the generational gap. It is a difference in beliefs, opinions, and thoughts of essay on generation gap different generations. Somehow in the generation gap, people find it difficult to agree with the opinions of the other generation.

When we take a glimpse of our history then we can be aware of the fact that during the 18th century, there was a very slow development taking place because of which there were very rare changes in the mindset of the people as well as in technologies.

So during that time, it was easier for people to stay with the essay on generation gap beliefs and thoughts for a long period of time. Therefore there was no concept of generation gap as people use to follow the same traditions for many generations. But when it comes to the 20th or 21st century then we can see that there has been a rapid change in the mindset of people as well as in the technologies. Every next day we are introduced to some new technological developments.

And this leads to a conflict between parents and students because parents are hardly aware of the new technologies whereas their child becomes very smart. Children often get irritated in explaining their parents about the newly arrived technologies and this causes conflict between both the generations.

Generally what happens is, children always remain busy with their digital gadgets, essay on generation gap, and thus they are not able to give time to their parents. And this gives rise to the communication gap between parents and children and because of this generation gap occurs. It has many negative effects.

It causes conflict among the people. For example, if someone is not agreeing with our point of view then it is very obvious that there will be a conflict between us. It also causes daily family essay on generation gap. People from one generation also keep on criticizing people from the other generation.

Here we can conclude that the generation gap is really a very serious issue and we all should try to get over this problem, essay on generation gap.

It is very important to sort out this problem for the betterment of the coming generation. As we all know that people, no matter at home or in school or in office, everywhere they suffer from the generation gap. It is a matter of concern not only for the people of the current generation but also for the people of every generation.

A generation gap is a difference between perception, belief, and thoughts among the people of two different generations. Generation gap may occur among family, in school, or in office. In the generation gap, essay on generation gap from two different generations hold two different perspectives about the same concept. One of the very common examples of generation gap is between parents and their children. They share psychological and emotional gaps which gives rise to a lot of high and lows between them.

There is also a lack of understanding between them; sometimes children prefer to talk in some different languages which are not so common for their parents, and it becomes difficult for them to understand, essay on generation gap. Generation gap also occurs among teachers and students, sometimes what happens is, some old aged teachers do not easily agree with the schools given by students and this weakens the bond between them.

We often see people comparing two different generations by saying that our generation was better or our generation is far better than the previous generation. So these are the few examples that easily show the generation gap. As we can see that these days the generation gap is rapidly increasing. Every next-generation suffers little more than the previous generation.

This is because of the brisk change and development in the technologies as well as in the beliefs and lifestyle of people. They forget essay on generation gap learning always has been a better process.

Youngsters should always try to learn from their seniors instead of being limited to their gadgets. Learning has always been a to and fro process; it always agrees with give and take.

So the youngsters should prefer learning from their seniors and teach them about the newly arrived technologies. In this way, both will able to enhance their knowledge. As the generation gap is a serious issue, essay on generation gap, it essay on generation gap very necessary to reduce this gap. There are many ways to reduce the generation gap. Such as:. The current as well as the previous generation should respect the thoughts, views, and beliefs of one another.

Respecting one another views strengthens the relationship between both the generations, essay on generation gap. Both the generation should try to remove the generation gap between them. If there will be no communication among people then there will be essay on generation gap exchange of thoughts and views and it may create problems among people. Both generations should try to establish a friendly rapport among them.

So that it will be easier to discuss each other point of view. We can conclude that the generation gap is an issue which is slowly and gradually creating problems among people. It is not possible for one to fight this issue, so we all should try to fight together for the betterment of society.

Harshita Pandey has been a professional content writer, writing online blogs and articles for reputed websites for many years.

She is a graduate in philosophy from Banaras Hindu University, BHU third-best university of India. Writing is her passion from childhood and she loves to play with the essay on generation gap. She loves reading books to enhance her knowledge and essay on generation gap to keep people updated on several topics.

She really tries hard to make her writings valuable. Top Menu Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Main Menu Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Login in to your account. Lost your password? Lost Password. Back to login. Essay Speech Paragraph Contact us. Essay Banyan — Collections of Essays for Students. Essay on Generation Gap Essay. by Harshita Pandey. So let us have a glance on it through these essays: Short and Long Essays on Generation Gap Essay 1 Words — What is Generation Gap and its Examples Introduction When we talk about the generation gap, the very first thing that strikes our brain is, essay on generation gap, it must be something about two very different people whose ages vary at least ten years or we may say a minimum of 10 years.

Common Example of Generation Gap a. Conclusion From the above points discussed we can conclude that no doubt, essay on generation gap, the generation gap affects the relationship between people of two different generations. Previous Story Essay on Small Family. Next Story Essay on Knowledge is Power. Harshita Pandey Harshita Pandey has been a professional content writer, writing online essay on generation gap and articles for reputed websites for many years. Related articles Essay on Life in an Indian Village Essay.

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Generation gap : A must watch session for parents

, time: 9:42

Short and Long Essay on Generation Gap for Students

essay on generation gap

 · Essay on Generation Gap. Generation Gap or Generational gap means a kind of difference in the thoughts, lifestyle, work of interest and opinions among people of different age groups. Generation is generally divided into three partitions one is childhood, second is middle life and third is old age. Usually, a family includes members of all these three Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins  · A generation gap is a difference between perception, belief, and thoughts among the people of two different generations. Generation gap may occur among family, in school, or in office. In the generation gap, people from two different generations hold two different perspectives about the same concept. Suitable Examples of Generation GapEstimated Reading Time: 8 mins  · + Words Essay on Generation Gap. We all know that humans have been inhabiting this earth for a long time. Over time, times have changed and humans have evolved. The world became developed and so did mankind. Each generation has seen new changes and things that the older generations have not. This is exactly what creates a generation blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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