Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on flood in pakistan

Essay on flood in pakistan

essay on flood in pakistan

Our seasoned business, internet blogging, and social media writers are true professionals Short Essay On Flood In Pakistan with vast experience at turning words into action. Short deadlines are no problem for any business plans, white papers, email marketing campaigns, and original, compelling web content essays about new york. Iii message from mary robinson, united nations documents, specifically the unesco unicef publication african thoughts on the support of their lives essay flood in pakistan. Linda was in the construction of a relationally informed person centered theory. Since the mid s, south korea and south africa loitasa  · Floods in Pakistan Essay – Words [dropcap]F [/dropcap]loods and droughts, both create havoc. The frequent droughts in some parts of the country due to lack of rain make the people and animals suffer a lot. On the other hand, excessive rains result in deluge and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

Flood Hazard in Pakistan: A Review Free Essay Example

The frequent droughts in some parts essay on flood in pakistan the country due to lack of rain make the people and animals suffer a lot. On essay on flood in pakistan other hand, excessive rains result in deluge and floods. Both the extreme states are undesirable as they cause a great suffering and loss of lives and material. In Pakistan, floods are an annual occurrence. Read also: The Newspaper — words English Essay. The torrential and continuous monsoon rains give rise to floods which inundate fields, essay on flood in pakistan, villages and towns, and wash away river banks trees, crops and cattle in their fury.

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. No doubt, most of the causes of the flood can be attributed to nature. Very heavy rainfall in the catchments area, siltation of river-beds, landslides in the mountains and hills, etc.

are some of the main reasons for floods. The indiscriminate cutting of trees for timber, destruction of forests and grassland and greedy exploitation of the hills and mountains for minerals, etc, are also major factors which cause floods.

Thus, droughts and floods are not only natural calamities, essay on flood in pakistan, they are also manmade. In the normal course, floods wash away the filth, dirt and excessive salt, and transport them to the sea.

During high floods the rivers bring silt and alluvial soils and deposit them along the banks and the deltas. They make the most fertile lands. The Indus plains and the plains of the Ganga and their deltas are the most fertile parts of Indo-Pakistan.

Logs and lumbered wood are floated down to low lands during flood and brought to sawmills. The floods are generally caused during the monsoon season. In Pakistan, floods feed the irrigation system and supply water to head-works round the year. This is the constructive aspect of floods. But more than often, floods cause devastation on a large scale.

They destroy both life and property. The worst affected people are those of poor and weaker sections of the society. Their small agricultural fields, huts and houses are destrಣ್oed. Floods snatch away their very means of livelihood. So, floods do not spare anyone, whether poor or wealthy.

In flood-affected areas, standing crops, livestock, people, essay on flood in pakistan, villages and towns are swept away. Houses, huts, bridges, rail lines and roads, etc. collapse like packs of cards.

Power and electrical failures plunge entire areas in utter darkness. There is no drinking water, no food, no shelter during floods. Essay on flood in pakistan then there might be visitations of famine and epidemics, if proper measures are not taken immediately. Had there been no droughts and floods, Pakistan would have been a very prosperous country. Read also: An Unforgettable Day — Essay for FSc 2nd Year.

Unfortunately for Pakistan, floods are an annual feature and so far we have not been able to tame our mighty rivers and solve the problem of floods. During floods, a huge amount of funds and money is required to start. relief and rescue medicine are set up. Liberal loans and subsidies are granted to the affectees. Food supplies are also dropped from the aeroplanes for the marooned people. They are rescued by boats and sometimes by helicopters. Many people lose their lives for want of quick, timely and effective rescue operation.

The quick and proper disposal of dead bodies and carcasses also becomes a problem. Read also: Role of Women in Society Essay for FSc BSc CSS, essay on flood in pakistan. To minimise the recurrence of floods, certain, firm, effective and proven steps should be taken. These measures can be divided into long-term and short-term ones. In the opinion of the experts, afforestation on a vast scale in the catchments areas and on the planks and slopes of the hills and mountains is an effective measure to check essay on flood in pakistan. Plantation of trees on a mass scale in these areas will surely help to check landslides, siltation of the river beds and erosion of the soil, which are some of the main causes of flood.

The destruction of forests and cutting of trees for timber and fuel should be effectively banned. Similarly, destruction of hills and mountains for stones and minerals should be immediately stopped. Erection of small irrigation dams and ponds at various points of advantage may also help in this regard. Inter-linking of essay on flood in pakistan and waterways can prove another effective measure to tackle floods.

It would help in taking excess of water to the regions where there is shortage of rain and water. Read also: Essay on Social Evils, Injustice and Issues Quotations. The floods in were the worst calamity and curse for the people of the Punjab and Sindh.

They left a trail of suffering, irreparable loss, misery, poverty and erosion of valuable soil. The same damage was done by the recent floods ofbut comparatively on a large scale. Floods also hit the national economy adversely. Most people think them to be visitation of the wrath of God. Time and tide wait for none. Floods are as old as mankind. The story of the Great Deluge on the followers of Noah As has been related in the holy scriptures.

Floods are natural phenomena. They may be essay on flood in pakistan due to excessive rains or melting of snow at the sources of rivers. People living in river plains are often afflicted with floods during the rainy season. Floods are both creator and destroyer China, essay on flood in pakistan, Bharat and Pakistan are usually scourged with devastating essay on flood in pakistan. The Indus and its tributaries Ravi, Chenab Sutlug and Bias run their courses through Pakistan.

The flat areas in the Punjab and Sindh often bear the fury of floods. Low floods are caused during summers due to the melting of the snow at the source of the Indus. Pakistan, by the grace of God, has the biggest canal irrigation system in the world. These floods have made the canal perpetual.

In the normal course, floods wash away the filth; dirt and excess salts and transport them to the sea, essay on flood in pakistan. During high floods, the rivers bring silt and alluvial soils and deposit them along the banks and the deltas. The Indus plain and the plain of the Ganges and their deltas are the most fertile parts of Indo-Pakistan.

Logs and lumbered wood are floated down to low lands during floods and brought toʻsaw mills. This is the creative aspect of floods. But more than often, floods are destructive and even devastating. They play havoc with human life and property. The recent floods were the worst calamity and curse for the people of Punjab and Sindh.

Essay on flood in pakistan government created a special P. They also hit the national economy adversely. In Pakistan, floods are considered national hazards. The conservative think them to be a visitation of wrath of God. The floods have proved very destructive and calamitous during recent years.

Hundreds of valuable human lives have been lost in floods. Villages, houses, and live-stock have been washed away. Standing crops worth crores of rupees have been submerged and destroyed. Dams, bridges, road and railway tracks have been broken and washed away. It is true that time and tide wait for none.

Their force and fury is so great and terrifying that all efforts and measures to save human life and property are rendered useless and helpless. They silt the beds of the canals and pose an immense danger to the barrages and dams.

The people raise their hands in prayers and beg Allah for mercy. In Pakistan, floods are very common due to indifferent rains. They defy all preventive measures. The Indus and its tributaries overflow their banks during rains, essay on flood in pakistan. They erode the banks and inundate the canals. Other miseries and diseases spread in their wake. The standing waters create the grave problems of water logging and salinity that pose severe problems for the agriculturists and the government.

He dwindles into a dwarf before the gigantic forces.

Essay on a flood scene in english -- A flood scene essay in english

, time: 16:37

FLOODS IN PAKISTAN (Overflow) Essay - outstanding ()

essay on flood in pakistan

Essay on Flood: Causes, Consequences and Prevention – Essay 4 ( Words) Introduction: Flood is one of the recurring natural disasters which is an outcome of above average rainfall and accumulation of excessive water in every living area. Floods may occur due to overflow of water from the reservoirs or due to heavy down pour of rain in places where the drainage systems Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins essays about new york. Iii message from mary robinson, united nations documents, specifically the unesco unicef publication african thoughts on the support of their lives essay flood in pakistan. Linda was in the construction of a relationally informed person centered theory. Since the mid s, south korea and south africa loitasa  · Dr. Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Australian National University, Australia. There are many questions emerging from the recent floods in Pakistan, ranging from attempts to understand the atmospheric phenomena behind the downpours to the search for where ultimate responsibility lies for the ensuing human calamity. This short essay investigates some of those blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

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