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Essay on e waste

Essay on e waste

essay on e waste

 · This coupled with changing life styles with more disposable income in littering the urban scope with the digital detritus of the digital age called E-waste. E-waste is a generic term encompassing various forms of electrical and electronic equipment that may be old, might have reached end-of-life and most importantly cease to be of any value to their present owners and it has been identified as one of the fastest growing waste Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins  · This essay on E-Waste Causes and Effects was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly E-waste or electronic waste is referred to any kind of electronic device that have been discarded or devices that have been thrown away. They are also known as one of the fastest and great contributor to garbage streams that greatly impacts the planet due to its

Short Essay on E-waste – EdgeArticles

E-Waste: The Growing Concern Detrimental to our environment, and a growing concern of the 21st century: electronic waste poses threats to the health of individuals, as well as ecosystems around the world, and is an issue that continues to grow at a rapid pace. The way technology is continuously progressing, and the social drivers that continue to create a demand for the next best technology, create problems associated with electronic waste. While these impacts may not essay on e waste easily seen here in the United States, other countries are suffering the effects of the way technology continues to advance, and the choices that certain institutions make in regard to dealing with electronic waste in an effective manner.

Social drivers such as status symbols, trends, obsolescence, and profit driven markets feed into the issue of electronic waste. As a result, essay on e waste, these drivers create impacts that increase the amount of harmful chemicals entering the environment, create health problems, and often affect people who are unable to stand up for their social justice rights.

While several developed countries have adopted legislation to stop electronic waste from being exported, the United States, one of the main drivers of electronic waste, has yet to acknowledge any form of action decreasing or eliminating the export of electronic waste to developing countries. In order to resolve the issues that are created as a result of electronic waste: social movements, policy, and institutional methods geared towards effective management of such waste can have positive impacts on helping to solve these problems.

There are certain social drivers that greatly impact the growing issue of electronic waste. The reliance on technology to communicate across the globe may create more efficient ways of communication, but the developing market that this relies upon is creating a demand and an increased problem with waste. Electronics are not built to last, essay on e waste, and there are more electronic devices than ever before.

Simultaneously, the technical lifetime and time of use of such devices is decreasing Zeng et al. Mobile phones now have an average life span of less than two years in the industrialized world, essay on e waste, and computers two to four years SEPA, These social drivers to increase production of electronic products may focus mainly on the fact of effective global communication, but there are several other social drivers that affect the amount of electronic waste that has an impact on the environment and health of individuals.

While one social driver of electronic waste is the reliance on technology for global communication, in the United States, essay on e waste, technology often plays a role as a status symbol. People want the next best iPhone, the best entertainment system, and some of the nicest home appliances on the market. This is rooted in the culture of Americans. Buy, buy, and buy. That is what is what is encouraged through advertisements, and even our presidents have recommended that people consume and go out and buy more.

However, the United States has yet to develop any policy to effectively manage the growing issue of electronic waste. The social drivers associated with electronic waste create detrimental impacts on the environment, as well as the people who deal with the effects. A majority of people who are affected by electronic waste are not the ones who use these products, essay on e waste, but rather the people who are in countries where this waste is shipped.

Lithium batteries are used in almost all of the electronics that people recharge. This accounts for a large portion of electronics on the market and serves as just one example of the impacts that are the results of what social drivers create. This problem mostly affects developing countries that do not have the adequate infrastructure to deal with electronic waste efficiently and effective.

In order to combat the negative effects of electronic waste, developed countries, like the United States, who have adequate infrastructure and technology to deal with electronic waste, need to adopt policies like the UN legislation and stop exporting electronic waste. Since electronic waste is created by the United States, but then dumped on other developing countries; there is a serious issue with justice in this case.

Essay on e waste some countries have made an effort to decrease the amount of electronic waste they export, essay on e waste, essay on e waste have not. This mostly comes down to the global policies, which have not been revised to fit the changes within society.

The changes to decrease the negative impacts of electronic waste are not the prioritized. People continue to suffer as a result of the choices companies, and on a smaller scale, choices that individual consumers make.

While policy may not be the fastest way to combat the negative effects of electronic waste, technology may show to be more promising. A waste management study shows that there are certain ways to effectively recycle the precious metals found in electronic devices.

The leaching medium consists of a sodium citrate solution, from which base metals are retrieved by direct electrowinning, and the barren solution is recycled back to the leaching stage. This leaching-electrowinning cycle was repeated four times. The redox properties of the fresh citrate solution, as well as the leach liquors, were characterized by cyclic voltammetry to determine adequate conditions for metal reduction, as well as to limit citrate degradation.

This is effective in recycling certain precious metals without leaving unstable chemicals behind. Technological advances may serve to be more urgent in combatting the negative effects of electronic waste, but may not be as easy to apply universally like legislative policies could. In order to combat the negative effects of electronic waste effectively, there should be a combination of both technology and policy, essay on e waste.

If the United States continues to export the majority of the electronic waste that it produces, then it should be do so in a manner that will not harm individuals in the country that the waste is being exported to, but rather serve as an economic opportunity.

In order to do this, technology to effectively manage electronic waste should be available to the country that receives this electronic waste at the expense of the exporting country.

If countries are going to continue to export electronic essay on e waste, then they should do so in a manner that takes responsibility for this waste and acknowledges the negative effects that electronic waste has if not properly managed. As far as the social drivers such as the growing market for communication devices essay on e waste status symbols that electronics now serve, there is not much that can be done, essay on e waste. These are forces that are routed in the way that people live.

Planned obsolescence will continue to drive the profits of companies, unless there are certain laws or policies that limit such action, although limiting this action may seem like a far stretch and nearly impossible to stop. Certain new technological companies that promote sustainable technology and implement a recycling program for their products may appeal to the green consumer. Yet, the success of this is highly dependent on performance and competition between other companies and corporations that have been in existence, and dominated the electronics market for the last several decades.

There is no easy solution to resolving the issues that stem as a result of electronic waste, and with consumerism dominating American culture; there is no easy way to tell if there will be action before certain environmental conditions are irreversible. While electronic waste poses great threats to the environment, it is the lack of policy and urgency that continues to make this a growing issue. Social drivers such as the need for communication technology, and the way technology serves as a status symbol in the American culture, essay on e waste, drive several impacts of electronic waste.

These impacts contribute to the declining health of people in developing countries, and contribute to problems involving pollutions within the environment among other issues. Essay on e waste policy and governance may seem to be a slower route to solving issues involving electronic waste, technology has been seen to be effective in certain cases. The introduction of essay on e waste green electronics companies to the market with methods for implementing their own recycling programs for their products, essay on e waste, and environmentally friendly methods may serve as a solution, but the success of these against other companies that have dominated the electronics market do not seem practical.

A mixture of policy and technology may serve as the best solution for combatting the negative effects of electronic waste, but introduction of green essay on e waste companies may also help to serve as an example for other companies to shift to more green methods and adopt alternative methods in order to appeal more to the consumer.

Overall, electronic waste is a complex issue that is not solved by any one solution and has negative effects that should not be treated, but rather solved at the source. I'm Avery. Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? Skip to content. Home New Argumentative Essays Contact. Home Argumentative Essay E-Waste. How to cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA.

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The Electronic Waste Challenge: A Global Perspective (GIZ Video)

, time: 9:12

E-Waste - Free Argumentative Essay Examples

essay on e waste

 · While one social driver of electronic waste is the reliance on technology for global communication, in the United States, technology often plays a role as a status symbol. People want the next best iPhone, the best entertainment system, and some of the nicest home appliances on the market. This is rooted in the culture of blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins E-waste or electronic waste is referred to any kind of electronic device that have been discarded or devices that have been thrown away. They are also known as one of the fastest and great contributor to garbage streams that greatly impacts the planet due to its  · E-Waste contains toxic elements that may be harmful to the environment if crushed, burned or disposed at landfills. Such toxic elements may be harmful to the school’s population. Therefore, there are several recommended disposal mechanisms. Computer and equipment purchase done in a life cycle

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