Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on asthma

Essay on asthma

essay on asthma

Asthma Essay. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute asthma is a chronic or long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. (___) This repertory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi tubes of the lungs making it difficult to breathe. This condition usually is cause by an allergic reaction or irritation Nov 10,  · Asthma is characterized by a cumulative loss of lung function over time. Changes to airway structure and composition such as thickening of basement membrane, increased bronchial vascularity, smooth muscle hyperplasia and hypertrophy and goblet cell hyperplasia, which leads to mucous hypersecretion, also promotes to airflow obstruction Jun 16,  · Asthma is an inflammatory disease which makes breathing and some physical activities challenging and in some cases, impossible. The Greek meaning of “asthma is short of breath. However, this classifies any short-winded patient as asthmatic. This definition was refined in the 19th century by Henry Hyde Salter, who was also asthmatic

Essay On Asthma | WOW Essays

Asthma is a condition in the airways of your lungs. It tightens your muscles surrounding your air ways and there is swelling plus irritation in essay on asthma airways called inflammation. It causes to narrow the airways so it feels like your breathing through a straw.

The common symptoms of asthma is wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, or hard to breath, essay on asthma. If asthma is left untreated it can cause long term loss of lung function. When you are exposed to something or like a trigger your airways become more inflamed or swollen than usual making it even harder to breathe or making your condition even worse, essay on asthma.

The airways also get tighter and they can get congested due to a build up of mucus. Some of the triggers can be caused from allergies, essay on asthma, infections, and strong odors or fumes that come from your house. Every one who has asthma has different triggers that bother their asthma symptoms, essay on asthma. So you should recognize your triggers and stay away from them.

You should try to get rid of all the triggers out of your house as you can such as animals, smoking, odors, etc. That can help you have fewer symptoms. When your asthma is not under control of or have not told a doctor about your asthma. These symptoms will occur. Wheezing which is when you breath you hear a whistling sound. You will have a bad cough that will not go a way or your essay on asthma feels so tight.

It can also feel like you can not catch your breath. Those symptoms will occur or you will have an asthma attack unless you contact a doctor about your asthma and stay with your treatment. When an asthma attack happens constriction happens, which is when the muscles tighten around the airways essay on asthma the lungs, essay on asthma. Makes it really hard to breath. And there is inflammation, which the airways are swollen and irritated and become more irritated when the attack happens, essay on asthma.

Inflammation limits the amount of air into your lungs. It is very important that you treat your asthma whether you have the symptoms or not, essay on asthma. Because you could be feeling just fine then your asthma attack could occur so stick to your treatment. If it is left untreated you will have asthma attacks or may cause long term loss of lung function.

That is not good, essay on asthma. If you have asthma you should stay away from this list of triggers. Smoking, dust mites, most pets, cock roaches, indoor and outdoor mold, strong odors, sprays, and pollen.

And keep your self healthy. Try to get rid of essay on asthma the triggers out of your house as you can, as such triggers up above. That should help you to stay healthy and your asthma symptoms down. You should exercise daily, drink lots of fluids, essay on asthma, and avoid from getting a cold, also avoid eating junk food.

People usually get asthma because it runs in their family. Asthma will last for the rest of your life. Asthma can not be cured it can only be treated. The treatment is usually using inhalers which help open up the air ways in your lungs prescribed by doctors and getting rid of the triggers in your house plus seeing your doctor, essay on asthma. Children can usually out grow asthma between the agesbut ages 11 and up can not out grow it.

So children have a bigger advantage of getting rid of their asthma than adults are. Children start out by wheezing. No one is more susceptible essay on asthma asthma. Except children can usually out grow it. With human race everyone is equal to asthma. Over 17 million Americans suffer from asthma. If you would like more information on asthma go to i breath.

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Asthma Essay: Take a Breath! |

essay on asthma

Asthma Essay With Conclusions. Asthma is one of the major chronic respiratory conditions which alter the respiratory function of the body. The World Health Organisation or WHO () defines asthma as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterised by frequent episodes of breathlessness and wheezing Essay about Asthma. Words7 Pages. Asthma. Breathing is a vital process for every human. Normal breathing is practically effortless for most people, but those with asthma face a great challenge. During an asthma attack, breathing is hampered, making it difficult or even impossible for air to flow through the lungs Apr 02,  · Definition: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the air passage of the lungs. It is characterized by different symptoms, breathlessness, obstruction of airway. Causes. Asthma occurrence is mainly due to environmental or genetic causes. These causes affect how severe the asthma is and its treatment responsiveness

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