Thursday, May 20, 2021

Digital divide essay

Digital divide essay

digital divide essay

 · The term Digital Divide refers to the broad disparities between income groups in terms of availability of information technologies including the Internet and related services. Studies of the Digital Divide show that the greater the accessibility of the Internet, specifically in schools and libraries, the higher the probability of students graduating and pursuing advanced education This research paper investigates the “digital divide” a term used in the past years as technology advances worldwide. This advance in technology has allowed many to access the digital world. However, as technology grows so does this gap. Worldwide this is due to either economic, societal, educational or structural factors within one’s life Essay on The Digital Divide Words | 9 Pages. The Digital Divide Abstract: Around the world million people are connected to the Internet. Forty-one percent of those people can be found in North America. Although million seems like a large number it

The Digital Divide - Words | Essay Example

Digital divide is a metaphor for the cleft between people with access to technology and those without, digital divide essay. Although the term originated in the mids to describe differences in technological infrastructure of U. schools, it has grown to describe various forms of alienation predicated on class, race, and national identity.

Some analysts see a problem rooted in access, or the lack thereof, to computers and Internet services, whereas others suggest a more digital divide essay gulf between developed and developing nations. Still others deny the existence of a divide at all, arguing that market forces have created an abundance of services and products that serve to render the issue moot.

adults go online, digital divide essay, and white, educated, affluent people without a child living at home are more likely to have regular access to the Internet from home. Older citizens, African Americans, and the less educated are not as likely to go online, although only one in five reported never having been online at all.

The report suggested that the current digital divide resides with access speed; connection speed is a more important factor digital divide essay Internet use than experience. The report also suggested three degrees of Internet access: cold, tepid, and hot.

The first group has no access and does not go online, the second has a tenuous or modest connection to the Internet, and the third is considered highly wired. Some critics contend that figures such as those reported by the Pew Center are important but miss the deeper issues of understanding and social inclusion. Rather, a complex interaction among variables, including physical, digital, human, and social resources and relationships, digital divide essay be considered as critical components to the problem of, and the solution to, the disparity between technological haves and have-nots.

An international study released in by the UN Conference on Digital divide essay and Development combines many of these arguments. The report finds that wealthy, predominantly Caucasian and some Asianrelatively educated countries do better than poorer countries, especially those in Africa.

While the technological rift today may be due to the presence or absence of, and access to, dependable, high-bandwidth connections, information and communication technology is slowly becoming more available and accessible to all. Case studies of China, Chile, Botswana, Digital divide essay, India, and the United States have explored how various social, institutional, and governmental strategies interacted to create diverse solutions and equally varied results to technological disparities.

Although market-based solutions have been important tools in bridging the digital divide, the report suggests that private enterprise solutions may have reached the point of diminishing returns, digital divide essay, and new solutions need to be explored to continue the advances already under way.

Optimists offer a market-based panacea to take on the assumption of the growing alienation between the well-connected and those who are not, typically citing the prevalence of free or almost free hardware to Internet connections as proof that the divide is a myth and attempts to reconcile it are wasted, digital divide essay. Most studies, however, suggest this argument reflects more wishful thinking than rigorous analysis, digital divide essay.

When one third of Americans lack access to the educational and journalistic information provided by information and communication technology and when developed and developing countries support radically different technology infrastructures, alienation within and between nations is likely. This example Digital Divide Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services.

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The Digital Divide: Impact on Education

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Digital Divide Essay ⋆ Essays on Controversial Topics ⋆ EssayEmpire

digital divide essay

 · Digital Divide Essay Digital divide is a metaphor for the cleft between people with access to technology and those without. Although the term originated in the mids to describe differences in technological infrastructure of U.S. schools, it has grown to describe various forms of alienation predicated on class, race, and national identity This research paper investigates the “digital divide” a term used in the past years as technology advances worldwide. This advance in technology has allowed many to access the digital world. However, as technology grows so does this gap. Worldwide this is due to either economic, societal, educational or structural factors within one’s life Essay on The Digital Divide Words | 9 Pages. The Digital Divide Abstract: Around the world million people are connected to the Internet. Forty-one percent of those people can be found in North America. Although million seems like a large number it

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